正规赌博十大网站’s Associate of Fine Arts in Music Creative Technologies degree and the Music Technology Certificate are designed to prepare students as music technology artists in the areas of sound engineering, music production and composition, music business, and related new media such as video and lighting. The degree programs consist of a liberal arts core and the study of integrated music technology and new media. The certificate program allows students to focus on music technology.
Program Options
The Music Creative Technologies program is designed to prepare students as music technology artists in the areas of sound engineering, music production, composition, and related new media such as video and lighting. The degree programs consist of a liberal art core and offer programs of study in integrated music technology and new media. This program allows students to focus on music technology and provide the first two years of experience for transfer to any music institution for careers in the fields mentioned above.
The purpose of this certificate is to give both the aspiring and professional music technology artist the core experience in contemporary music industry and technology applications. This certificate will lend further development for the practicing music technologist as an update for new applications in the Music Creative Technology field with respect to contemporary audio recording, MIDI application, and music composition.
This certificate is also a great access point to begin the Associate of Fine Arts (Two-Year) Music Creative Technologies.

Emily Yang, Program Advisor
SS 142 • emily.yang@tt99949.com • 507-280-5006
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